Musings on music delivered when I dig myself out.

27 different approaches to one man

or "In the End" by Dragonguyver, as interpreted by James Cardis

I have no idea who Joshua Beane is or why he calls himself Dragonguyver. The concept he brought forth with Struggle and Fall, however, is admirable. 27 different groups are each assigned a different set of lyrics and are charged with the task of creating original music while finding a way to incorporate them. It's like a narrated mix disc, if you will. James Cardis, a young musician from Chicago, was given the lyrics for the despair-filled "In the End." The track starts off with some saccharine synth melody over some straight-forward drum programming, which is a bit deceptive of the nature of the piece. About 50 seconds in, the melody starts corroding and fast, and within 15 seconds disappears under roaring noise. The noise continues for around five minutes, varying in shape, pitch, tone, and melody. As I let the noise wash over my face in run into my ears I was surprised I didn't fast forward the track, skipping ahead for some brighter point. The noise had character and was oddly pretty. Six minutes in, some vocals break through the moving mountain, tying the piece back to the Dragonguyver theme. It's not long before they subside to the noise as well, which rides out for another three minutes before fading to a warm hum. Since there were no set parameters for this project, it's good to see that someone took advantage and pushed the envelope a bit.

For more information on this project, please visit this site.

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