or "Lose My Breath," the new single from Destiny's Child (from forthcoming album Destiny Fulfilled)
Although it's of little consequence to anyone to know this, I will share with you all that I was in marching band for three years. And while those three years had plenty of low point (prick directors, the freezing cold, girls), my love for the music has stayed with me. It's of little surprise to me, then, that a single featuring a marching band beat gets my pulse jumping and my feet marching in time. It was the case with Lil' Kim's "The Jumpoff" and now with "Lose My Breath," the "comeback" single from Destiny's Child.
Since none of the members of Destiny's Child actually quit singing during their three year hiatus, everyone still sounds on top of their game. Beyonce, of course, takes center stage (Daddy's little girl gets whatever she wants) and plays drum major, her voice swooping up and down the scales. The beat is outrageous and simple: a soulful drum line cadence and stabs of strings so bold they're like jet planes dive-bombing the field. The lyrics are pretty typical DC fare -- a proverbial "wiping dirt off one's shoulder" of men that don't put up and need to shut up. And if the hook isn't enough to get you hyperventilating, the bridge and all its vocal prowess certainly will. Time to get the oxygen tanks out for the clubs.
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