Musings on music delivered when I dig myself out.

How many brothers does this guy have?

Or "Dreams to Spend," the first single from The Holy Fire

Here's what I know of The Holy Fire: a) they're being produced by Flaming Lips bassist Michael Ivins b) major labels had been sniffing around and c) they've been given a ringing endorsement from Uncle Grambo. So I dove in. "Dreams to Spend" is a guitar rock song, plain and simple; and the guitars, they are nice. In fact, they're the best part about this song. They've got a very interesting tone about them -- chiming yet full -- and very much like something off of Jimmy Eat World-s Clarity. The guitars (did I mention my affection for them yet?) start off the song with a very triumphant air about them and then the vocals come in and make things a bit more somber. Oh, they shout like Jimmy Eat World too, how neat. Finally singer/guitarist takes a deep breath and really lets the listener have it. But wouldn't you know it he sounds 384,759 other guys in the music biz. Que horror! I try to ignore the guy, tune my ears to just hear those godamn pretty guitars but he just keeps--bleeding--through. These guys would make fabulous session musicians, but otherwise they're just too plain Jane to keep my interest.

[I know the e in "Que" is supposed to have an accent, but Blogger hates my template and won't let me put one. Sorry!]

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