Or "You Are My Target Audience," from Bars' debut album, Introducing
Because hardcore punk isn't viewed as the most challenging music to make (I'm a prime example) it comes as little surprise that many hardcore bands start other bands that take a totally different direction, Fall Out Boy being the first that springs to mind.
Bars is a similar story.
Containing members of Give Up the Ghost, Suicide File, and The Hope Conspiracy, Bars was supposed to be the rock and roll offshoot.
They tried to diversify their influences invoking the names of The Dead Boys and Entombed and were compared to Black Flag.
To be entirely honest, they couldn't be farther off.
"You Are My Target Audience" is Bars doing Suicide File-esque songs with more solos and tambourines.
Nothing else about the song strikes me as rock and roll or even worthwhile.
I implore Bars to quite touting the Dead Boys around as an influence -- you're making Dead Boys fans look like idiots.
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