Musings on music delivered when I dig myself out.

Ok guys, what's cuter: a sponge or a shin?

Or "They'll Soon Discover," The Shins' contribution to The Spongebob Squarepants Movie soundtrack

Talk about a set of high expectations. The Shins are in a rough spot; they've released two pristine albums to a deservedly large deal of praise, been featured on multiple television shows, and described as a band that would "change your life" by the movie Garden State (instead of NME, surprisingly). To say that the amount of public scrutiny they're under is high would be an understatement worthy of the Bush administration. While it might seem like an odd choice to contribute one of their first new songs to The Spongebob Squarepants Movie, they're in the company of other illustrious bands such as Wilco and The Flaming Lips. What should draw no questioning looks is the song they decided to put out.

"They'll Soon Discover" finds The Shins in fine form -- their cheery guitar lines frolicking, keyboards whirring happily, and vocals soaring with ease. The day's topic is the boundless imagination one has during childhood, and it seems like vocalist James Mercer is still very much in touch with his memories. Somewhere along the line the plot for the movie sneaks its way into the lyrics but never obscures the merry nature of the track. Although this song may not go toe-to-toe with something like "New Slang" or "Saint Simon," it wouldn't be out of place on either album. The Shins know they have a high bar to hurdle over, but if this song is any indication, they're not sweating it. They have bigger sponges to fry.

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