Or "Numb/Encore" off the Collision Course EP, a collaboration between Jay-Z and Linkin Park
Off the bat, I'm pretty tired of hearing mash-ups involving
The Black Album. I've just had enough. What further irks me is that "Numb/Encore," a tripped up collaboration between the best and the worst, is endorsed by Hova himself (and I'm damn sure he heard
The Grey Album.) This track stinks of greed and a desire for further crossover potential. This song is more about marketing than it is about music, and that's gross. I suppose that it should come as no surprise that it comes from two of the biggest sellers of the last 10 years; that doesn't make it any less disappointing. The tune is carries as little weight as it does credibility: it's a simple mash-up of Jay's vocals with a few chips scraped off the Linkin Park backing. While it's not a kick in the face to fans, it doesn't seem to place much stock in fans ability to be discerning. I know that Jay-Z loves money (he didn't stay retired, did he?) and that Linkin Park love adding collabs to their resumes (Robert Smith is next!), but guys, fucking cut it out, or I'll sic R.Kelly on you.
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