Musings on music delivered when I dig myself out.

And now I'm all wit' it OR Amerie "One Thing (Siik remix)"

I wasn't thinking there was much one could do to improve this track. The beat was straight ferocious -- everything was live and biting. Amerie was fucking impressed with her dudefriend and her single was going to let everyone for city blocks know it. Yeah, producer Rich Harrison copped the track's bombast from his last biggun' you probably heard ("Crazy in Love"), but who's to argue with more of a good thing?

I have no idea who Siik is, or if this person's done anything else I've heard. Within the first few seconds of the remix I didn't care. Pensively picked out guitar licks curled up slowly like cigarette smoke and worked its way to my ears. Subdued drum machine beats set a gentle pulse for the romantic, dimly lit scene which was to unfold. Amerie's vocals grabbed me by my pinkie finger (not by the collar) and led me to a couch where she started her tale. The prechorus was ushered in by a swell of strings so saccharine they felt carefully lifted from a 50s swoon scene.

"One Thing" was now... delicate?

It all clicks together perfectly. "One Thing" doesn't really want to badger you into feeling good, the beat does. I won't fault Harrison for making a banger out of this -- he knew what would sell. What saddens me is that it's not this version. Beautiful bedroom cooing has twice the emotional impact of the brashness that's paraded around in the original. Everyone take it back a few months and pretend you never heard "One Thing" before. You'll fall in love with this version, and that's a promise.

Thanks to Mike Powell via Sasha Frere-Jones for letting people know this existed.

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