Musings on music delivered when I dig myself out.

Now these goodies... are they like Skittles or more like Twizzlers?

Or Ciara's "Goodies," remixed by Richard X and featuring M.I.A. (from the "Goodies" single)

The Lil' Jon-produced original was damn good. The tweaky beat that could have been "Freak-a-leak" as heard while scanning through ham radio frequencies was irresistible, and Ciara's breathy vocals and salacious delivery just sold it. Leave it to Richard X -- whose production helped to put Anniemal on the next level of greatness, I might add -- to craft something wholly more interesting and involving. The essence of the original is still present, although chopped a bit to resemble a dubby, electro-dancehall, complete with gun-cocking clicks. Ciara's vocals are given a bit more room in the remix, allowing her voice to sound lusty and powerful instead of just misty. M.I.A., the perfect addition to the track, delivers her lines with grimy aggression that's the nasty sort of sexy. Richard X's version is entirely more danceable and driven; where Lil' Jon's version would have you swaying (or leaning back, as it were), this remix will have you Harlem shakin' your shit.

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