Musings on music delivered when I dig myself out.

My salsa...

Or the new D12 single, "My Band"

He's right, you know. More often than not, lead singers are the only ones that get attention from the media and fans while backing bands get the shaft. How many times do you see the cellist of Bright Eyes getting interviewed over Conner Oblurst? Or the rhythm guitarist of Avril Lavigne's crap troupe? Or anyone in The Rolling Stones with the exception of Mick and Keith? (I swear, I'm not bitter.) This is actually a pretty great commentary on said issue, coming from the ever spoofing Eminem and his friends/fellow group members in D12. It kind of makes you wonder if shit is actually bad for Swift, Proof, Kon Artist, Kuniva, and Bizzare. But then you think, well, they are making fun of it... things can't be that bad.

Rapping-wise D12 get the job done, delivering hilarious, back-biting lines nonchalantly while still maintaining a decent flow. But despite the brilliant concept, Em's production is pretty same ol', same ol'. His circus-like organ/keyboard line just echoes his older singles and the beats leave something to be desired. What, pray-tell, is Eminem doing singing again? His voice is plainly grating, almost to the point that one would think it's intentional (duh). And that bridge -- Jesus fucking Christ -- which yes man told him he could shreik like that? It's interesting that D12 made a purposely irritating single and that it actually gets played! Although I'd give them an A+ for concept alone, this is kind of like the anti-single. It's not danceable enough for the clubs, too goofy in the Jeep, and too whiny for repeated play on the headphones. Sounds like he's created a single for nerdy music critics! Er, not that I know what that would be like or anything. Uhh, booo! Bring back "Lose Yourself"!

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