Or the Fischerspooner/Billy Squier mash-up, "Everybody Wants You to Emerge"
So it's kind of cheesy that this from the
Queer Eye For the Straight Guy soundtrack ("Everybody wants you to emerge? Like from the closet? That's hilarious!"), but I can't fault producers David Collins and David Metzler for putting it on there. See, the problem with a lot of mash-ups is that many times it isn't about how great the newly crafted song is, but rather how fucking out there (
maaaaaan) they could get with their artist selection. You could listen to the song and and identify that, yes, that was The Beach Boys and 50 Cent, but no, you didn't want to hear it again.
Somehow, this tune gets over the hump of Kitschville and actually cruises into Good-Shit City. The song is a product of Fischerspooner's "Emerge" and "Everybody Wants You" by Billy Squier, whose songs have been the source of a bunch of new material lately (see Dizzie Rascal's "Fix Up, Look Sharp"). The track syncs up perfectly from the beginning -- Fischerspooner's synth waves superimposed flawlessly on Billy's guitar riff, vacant vocals muttering "Uh huh, that's right" here and there. The prechorus and chorus include plenty of EQ knob twiddlin' and riptide sound effects for those paying attention, but most everyone will be too busy dancing to the beat of the plastic handclaps and the meaty guitar hook to give a damn. Although I think they could have done more with Squier's track, this is a superb example of what a successful mash-up could be: a bit flashy and a ton of fun. Fellas, leave your boys at home.
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